Hutchison Ports Thailand upgrades operations with new equipment

Time:2025-01-03 17:13:37View:2210

Hutchison Ports Thailand’s (HPT) Terminal D has received delivery of a further four remote-controlled super post panamax quay cranes and eight remote-controlled RTG cranes, all electrically powered.

Hutchison Ports Thailand upgrades operations with new equipment

This batch of quay cranes will reportedly be the largest in Thailand, with an outreach of 24 rows and capable of handling containers that are stacked up to 10 high above the vessel deck.

With this additional equipment, Terminal D will be operating with 14 super post panamax quay cranes with the final three quay cranes and seven rubber-tyred gantry cranes scheduled for delivery in early 2026.

Furthermore, the ongoing rollout of cthe ontainer stacking area and automated truck gate lanes will help to ensure a smoother operational flow in the Terminal D container yard which, in turn, will further improve vessel productivity.

Earlier this summer, the Port of Barcelona launched its first Onshore Power Supply (OPS) system at Hutchison Ports’ BEST container terminal.

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